Newborn Portraits: A Gift that Lasts for Decades

Newborn Portraits: A Gift that Lasts for Decades

A couple of weeks ago I received the most sweetest email I have ever received! It was from a proud grandfather who was completely in love and enchanted by his sweet grand-daughter Charlie. He had seen my work with his business partner’s newborn and was so passionate about getting the same session done for his grand-daughter!

This is the best gift you can give to new parents! The diaper warmers, or nursing pillows, or tiny 0-3 month outfits are super practical gifts. However, but if you are of the more sentimental persuasion, these photos give new parents something that will last a lifetime, that they can put up on their walls, and that captures this beautiful moment in their lives. These photographs will be handed down to their children, and will bring back these special moments when they were brand new.

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Lifestyle Newborn Session In Your Home!

Lifestyle Newborn Session In Your Home!

For a long time I’ve had clients ask if I would do the newborn session in their home. I couldn't deny how much easier it was for my new mamas, who have just given birth to not have to leave their homes with their brand new babies. Which is honestly, a huge deal when I really thought about it. 

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matthew | 3 month milestones | montreal baby photographer

I love my milestones packages!! I love that YOU love my milestones packages!

As much as I love newborn photography I think I love the milestones sessions more, because then I get to watch as your little one grows. From a sleepy curly newborn, to a aware, sometimes walking, sometimes talking baby. It is a fascination of mine that in a mere 12 months your child goes from this beautiful little baby, to a child who can interact with his or her environment. And the BEST thing? You start seeing more and more of their personality, which will shape who they will be for the rest of their lives.

Up until I found photography and all that this art has given me, I was studying psychology. I wanted to be a developmental psychologist, so it makes sense that milestones would be a session I would offer, and truly enjoy!

And this saturday I got to meet Matthew for the first time.

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matteo | first birthday party | montreal baby photographer

So I am a klutz... Like its just getting old how much I injure myself! And last friday was a doozy. I fell down the stairs. It is as serious as I live in a one bedroom apartment, and there are only 5 whole stairs in this little apartment... but I found a way to fall down them. But the crazy thing about me? I have never broken a bone in my entire life... including last Friday!! I did sprain my big toe and it is still double the size of the other toe.

I was so mad that I fell!! The reason being, I had a birthday party to shoot on that Sunday. And after talks with Daniela (Matteo's mom) I knew there was NO way I was going to miss this party!!

And I am so glad I didn't miss it because boy was it a PARTY!!

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connor 3 weeks | beautiful baby photographer | montreal

Every single baby I meet touches me heart. I fall in love with everyone of them. Connor is no different, but I also just fell in love with his sweet family. They are so laid back but very kind. And you can see that in their children, Owen was already embracing being a big brother, we didn't have to ask him to kiss his brother he would just kiss him when we placed Connor down in his arms. Connor was so calm, but he was a kicker, haha, he did not like being swaddled because he loved to have his legs free, but he tolerated the swaddle every once in a while.

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Eli | 7 days | Montreal Newborn Photographer

These folks are technically my first clients in Montreal, at least the first to book. I met Leann through YES Montreal, where she works and where I go to get advice on all things business and art related.

I can't even be sure to express the sense of calm and feeling that I would be ok, which came over me when I first met Leann. I met her before her maternity session, because we had been talking for months before I moved. When I arrived in Montreal she took me out to lunch and we got to know each other. That first day, meeting her and then meeting my coaches at YES Montreal made me feel so welcome in Montreal, and made me feel like this dream of a photography business could actually come true.

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newborn baby boy | 7 days new | montreal

Little Sora was a sweet little client of mine, a newborn born on the first of December and the cutest little sleepy-head I have ever met :) He was an absolute pleasure to capture and its no surprise because he comes from a mom and dad that are some of the kindest people I have ever met. Much love to this family and their new addition! It was my incredible honour to capture your family so fresh and new!

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timeless, delicate, and natural | montreal maternity, newborn, and child photographer

Welcome to my site.

Click on this video below to watch a slideshow of clients I had the pleasure of capturing in 2014. This here is why I do what I do. It is so important to me to capture beautiful, authentic, emotional moments of my client's lives. Nothing stands the test of time like photography, and although capturing these moments of your children growing up is incredibly important to you, so will the documentation of their growth be to them. Watch this video below to see how I can capture your beautiful family!

Booking into May 2015, book your session now, spots are filling up!

If you want a photographer that will make you feel beautiful when you are at your most bloated and swollen, that will put you at total ease, that will handle your baby with the utmost care and never complain no matter how many times she is pooped on - then Reina is the photographer for you! Not to mention the flawless images you are delivered of these incredible milestones in your life! I can't recommend Reina enough!

~ Leann Brown

Please contact me for more information


Click here to subscribe to my not so monthly newsletter for full pricing as well as premiere knowledge of upcoming promotions and deals


Newborn and Milestone Ensemble Release and Contest! - Montreal Newborn Photography


Milestone and Newborn Ensemble Package!!

Just a few weeks ago I released my new Milestone's package, click here to get all the information on that!

Now I am super excited to announce a Newborn and Milestone package Ensemble!!

Meaning for a discount you can book your newborn session and your milestone package together!

Each of these ensembles allows you to pay the total inclusive price in three separate payments:

For the Milestones and Newborn Ensemble the price is $1495 this means, after $100 retainer at booking there are three payments of $465 at the newborn, 6 month, and 1st year sessions.

For the Mini Newborn and Milestones Ensemble the price is$1195, after $100 retainer at booking there are three payments of $365 at the newborn, 6 month, and 1st year sessions.

This means that you can make capturing your child's first year, which are so full of milestones, incredibly affordable!

newborn and milestone package ensemble - premier montreal baby and child photographer

I am so excited about this I decided to throw a HUGE contest!!

Contest Info

How to Enter

Each entry counts as one entry. You DO NOT have to do all of these. Pick your favourite, the more entries the more chances you have :)

1. Like Reina Procee Photography Facebook page

2. Like this post announcing this contest on Facebook

3. Share that Facebook post with your friends on Facebook (make sure your privacy settings let me see your share)

4. Pin this image on Pinterest

5. Subscribe (Click here) to email mailing list (entry doesn't count until you have clicked confirm on your confirmation email)

6. Comment what you have done to enter on this blog (leave Pinterest name as well as your Facebook name if different)

Bonus Entries

Have your friends and family comment on this blog saying your name and that you sent them. Each comment counts as an entry towards whoever is named in the comment, your friend doesn't win anything unless they do the above entries, but this way you have unlimited entries this way!

What are the Prizes?

Grand Prize

Your choice of 50% off a regular session (at least $375 off) OR $300 off one of the already discounted Milestone and Newborn Ensembles listed above!

Second Prize

25% off a regular session (at least $185 off) OR $150 off one of the already discounted Milestone and Newborn Ensembles listed above!


1. This contest is not affiliated with or run by Facebook in any way

2. You are not obligated to use all entries to win, you choose how many entries you want to use.

3. Prizes will not apply to mini sessions or sessions with gift vouchers (you can choose to not use the gift voucher)

4. Newborn sessions are for babies 5-10 days old, if your baby is a bit older once the contest is complete we will do our best within your child's capabilities and what is safe.

5. All set policies and contracts must be agreed to and signed once prize has been accepted.

6. Contest is open to all clients, but sessions will be held either in Montreal and surrounding areas or within Calgary city limits (during the times I am there) and prizes do expire Dec 31, 2014.

Contest ends November 22 at 8pm EST

Personal Note - Montreal Maternity, Newborn and Family Photographer

There is a lady named Sue Bryce, and she has taught me so much in the past few months... My whole life has been a question of whether I am good enough, and recently, whether I am worthy of this life I have stumbled upon creating for myself. I walked around for years with the attitude that I didn't care what others thought, but in reality I did. Oh boy I did...And that strangled me, and it weighed me down... But then I stumbled upon a talk this woman did, she is a photographer, and I mean come on... what has she got to say that hasn't been told to me countless times from people who love and care about me? A lot of what she said was stuff I had already heard, but the way she explained it just spoke to me. I like to say that she knows the words that just kick my butt, they tear me down and build me up all at the same dang time. And she isn't even Oprah, people!! But it is through her personal struggles and how eloquently and intelligently she explains them that just catches my attention.

I have now learned, that it has not been the people in my life that have gotten me through the toughest of times, it has been me. I carried myself through the pain and the struggles. I have this strength inside of me that carries me and the people I love. Wow. I am a pretty awesome person. 5 years ago if someone had told me that I was a strong, amazing and talented person, flawed, but with WORTH and a MEANINGFUL life, it would have just barely pierced my armour... I would have laughed and made a joke, deflecting that truth into the "yeah, right, ok, what do you want from me?" pile. But now I actually have the belief and strength to say it to myself. And it feels amazing. And I feel like I can do anything. Although this is another struggle I have carried myself through, and there are many more waiting, I can definitely say that Sue helped light the way for me. And I can only hope that I can pay that forward someday. Because my life has been completely changed for the better.

I can definitely say, that I love this person-that-is-me. I would be proud to call this person-that-is-me mine. I am dang proud of who I am, what I am, and where I am going. Through this past year of self reflection, and putting away old hurts, and building healthy relationships with myself and loved ones, I have found one thing that I can hold to be truth: I accept myself. Completely. This life of judgement and fear is done. I am not afraid. I am only excited for what is in store for the rest of my life.

montreal south shore family maternity pregnancy newborn baby photographer

But that is the INSIDE of me. There are struggles still with the OUTSIDE of me. Perfection is impossible, but this struggle is tied to my health and well being.

This struggle is accepting the outer shell I live in. In one of her talks Sue said that we tie our identity to what we want to change about ourselves. I want to lose weight to be accepted by society, to not be discriminated against and bullied. I want to lose weight to feel pretty again. I want to lose weight to be a better photographer. But losing weight doesn't guarantee this... so why do I keep thinking that it will? And we all have feelings like this, whether it is with weight or another flaw we want to change about ourselves but are struggling with. And oh the pressure that puts on us! Everyday that I am not losing a pound I am failing. Every day that I am not thinner I am not a better photographer, I am not pretty, I am not accepted, and I will be judged and bullied.

It is time I stop identifying with my weight. This weight is not me, and it has nothing to do with me.

So to try and disentangle myself with these notions I have decided that I will exist in photographs for myself. I will take a photo of myself each day, and then I will list what I am grateful for. I will use this medium, that has thus far healed me in so many ways, to heal me once again. These are not photos that I will post and share with you all... but it is time that I show MYSELF the kindness and compassion and acceptance I have shown many others in my life.

Comment below if you are thinking of doing a similar project to help stop identifying with your flaws.

And thank you Sue Bryce for being vulnerable; opening yourself up has caused me to open myself up.

And so far I like what I see.

Click here to read her blog (:

Alexander - Montreal Newborn Photographer

I just fell in love with this beautiful family! My first newborn session in Eastern Canada was both an honour and a pleasure. Little Alexander was an absolute dream to photograph, and his big sister had so much spunk and personality I couldn't help but capture more photos of her than I normally do of siblings in a newborn session. I couldn't help myself! She is too cute! Mom and Dad did real good making these adorable kids, and it was such a blast capturing this beautiful time in their lives.

I love my job :) newborn baby boy montreal south shore photographerchild girl baby and dad father montreal south shore photographerchild girl baby and dad father montreal south shore photographerchild girl baby montreal south shore photographerchild girl baby montreal south shore photographerchild girl baby montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy family child girl baby montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy family child girl baby montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy family child girl baby montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographernewborn baby boy montreal south shore photographer

Vivian - Montreal Newborn Photographer

It has been a little while since I did this shoot, Vivian is already two months old and growing beautifully. I know this because I ask my clients to add me as a friend on facebook, I say it is so that I can tag them in any sneak peeks... but the truth of it is I fall in love with every little soul that enters into my studio and I want to watch them grow! Vivian's mama is doing an awesome gallery of photos, updating it monthly with a picture of beautiful Vivian and little letters "from" Vivian telling everyone how much she has experienced and learned in the last month. SO awesome :) It is because of this that I am tossing around an idea of doing something new, where you can add on to your newborn package a "Grow with me" package, I will explain all of that in it's own post.

Vivian is another beautiful little girl who completely stole my heart. Her mom booked with me MONTHS in advance and because of that Erin and I really got to know each other pretty well. I was so excited to meet her and Vivian by the newborn shoot! I was NOT disappointed :) Vivian was a sweetheart and Erin was a blast to hang out with :) we had a great morning :) Oh and then there was Dad, he was so sweet and gentle with both of his ladies, and you could tell that Vivian already had him wrapped around her little finger. Look out, Cliff, lol she will keep you on your toes in her teenage years :)

It was so much fun capturing this beautiful moment in this little family's life :) Erin told me when we were planning their newborn session that they were not really sappy kind of people, you will see that little Vivian has changed that and turned them right into a couple of saps, and I honestly don't blame them! :)

Elyse - Calgary Newborn Photographer

I love every one of my babies. They may cry, they may poop on my pretty blankets, they may just say to me that they need to reschedule with a very loud "Wah! Wah! Wah!" But the great thing about me (I at least think so) is that I tend to have a selective memory. Because when I look at the shots I take I think about their sweet little faces, soft and warm, falling asleep. Their little coos or cute little grunts. I look at their pictures and wonder who they will be? And I never remember how many tries it took to get them to sleep, I never remember the poop.

But then there was Elyse. And I will always remember her session. Because this was a session that was almost too easy! She slept the entire time! And I got to hear the words I love to hear which were, "you must be a baby whisperer." Oh trust me I am not! LOL Elyse and I just clicked... She knew what I needed from her and she delivered!

Congrats to Helen and Yaro! She is a gem and so gorgeous! You did good!

Lillian - Calgary Newborn Photographer

I had the absolute pleasure of photographing this beautiful little girl when she was just under 12 hours old for her Fresh 48 session, and then again when she was 6 days old. She is growing so fast! I can't wait till in a couple of weeks she is in front of my camera for her family's Calgary flood mini session! Here is a little of what I captured in her portrait session!

Lisa - Calgary Maternity Photographer

I met these two last week :) We were supposed to go out to the park but there was a thunder storm in the middle of their session. I am actually glad, we had a blast, stayed warm and had a great time getting to know each other! I can't wait to meet the little one in that belly next month!!

Alberta Flood Relief - Mini Sessions

This past weekend has not been a good one for many people in many areas of Alberta.

I can go into all of the statistics, but I am sure if you have a Facebook, twitter, Instagram account of even just a TV, you have heard it all.

And it is so sad, scary, and it definitely makes you feel helpless.

But we can help! And this is how I feel like I can help.

Only cash or email transfers will be accepted for these sessions.

Age limit is the child must be over 6 months, but this is negotiable.

You can either buy a session for yourself or donate money to a session for a flood victim.

$50 payment needs to be made at time of booking.

Email or comment below to book a time slot or nominate a family for a session.

Time slots are first come first serve so book quickly!!

Saturday July 13, 2013


10:45AM - BOOKED

11:30AM - BOOKED

12:15AM - BOOKED




















Donations of locations (a farm or acreage with trees, fields of flowers where I can set up in the shade) or anyone who wants to come help assist me during these sessions for part of the day are also welcome! Please email me with pictures of locations or your interest in assisting me at

I can't wait to send $650 to the Red Cross!

Also if demand is super high I may have to do this a second day, but only if time allows and demand is high

We can't do anything about mother nature, but we can definitely help out each other!

Lilian Fresh 48 - Calgary Newborn Photographer

What is a Fresh 48 session?

It is a session where I come to the hospital or your home  within the first 24-48 hours of your new child's life. It is a great time to capture first meetings between siblings, pictures with grandparents, baby's first bath, as well as beautiful casual lifestyle photography capturing the buzz of excitement and awe with this huge change in your life.

I was invited by this gorgeous family yesterday to come and capture their little girls first few hours at home, we captured her first manicure, her first check up and a whole lotta snugglin with her family. I cannot wait till Saturday when I get to see her again for her newborn session!

If you would like to book a Fresh 48 session email me at