Newborn Portraits: A Gift that Lasts for Decades

Newborn Portraits: A Gift that Lasts for Decades

A couple of weeks ago I received the most sweetest email I have ever received! It was from a proud grandfather who was completely in love and enchanted by his sweet grand-daughter Charlie. He had seen my work with his business partner’s newborn and was so passionate about getting the same session done for his grand-daughter!

This is the best gift you can give to new parents! The diaper warmers, or nursing pillows, or tiny 0-3 month outfits are super practical gifts. However, but if you are of the more sentimental persuasion, these photos give new parents something that will last a lifetime, that they can put up on their walls, and that captures this beautiful moment in their lives. These photographs will be handed down to their children, and will bring back these special moments when they were brand new.

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Turn up the noise | Newborn Parenting Tip #4

Turn up the noise | Newborn Parenting Tip #4

If I had a dollar for every time parents ordered a “shusher” during their session, I’d have A LOT of dollars! :P These tips come from the idea that your baby is in their “4th Trimester” and is still adjusting to life outside the womb. A white noise machine (or shusher) is one of my favorites, it helps to simulate the noises your baby was used to hearing in the womb. White noise not only helps relax babies but it helps to soften environmental sounds that can disrupt sleep so you don’t have to tiptoe around the whole house when your baby is sleeping.

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Stress Free Feedings | Newborn Parenting Tip #5

Stress Free Feedings | Newborn Parenting Tip #5

Whether you nurse, use formula or do a combination of the two, feeding a newborn can be stressful... This list is a helpful guide of common foods to avoid while nursing. These foods typically affect babies under 6 weeks. As they get older, reintroduce foods one at a time to see how they are accepted.

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The Perfect Age For a Newborn Session

The Perfect Age For a Newborn Session

A question I’m often asked by many pregnant moms and new photographers is, “what is the perfect age for a newborn session?”

This question has a very complex answer. The fact of the matter is, it all really depends. Because of this, I work hard to schedule only a set amount of sessions a month so that I can be as flexible as I can for any situation that may arise

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