To be completely honest, I wrote these blogs WAY before I became a parent. As someone who has lived through the newborn stage, I can tell you that all of these tips are actually incredibly helpful. My little guy had colic and we had a much easier time with that because we used these tips. Some additional tips I would add in hindsight is to remember every baby is different, but often times, you are actually doing exactly what they need, it may not feel like that, but you are. And finally, patience is needed, which is hard when sleep deprived, but remember you BOTH need to learn how to navigate those first few weeks. Baby needs time to learn how to eat, you need time to learn their cues and how to feed them (especially with breastfeeding). Just remember you got this and if you have any questions at all I am always here for you as a mama, even if we don’t work together! Mama’s gotta stick together!

Swaddle, Swaddle, Swaddle! | Newborn Parenting Tip # 1

Over the years I’ve learned a number of tricks to soothe and comfort babies, and to surround them with a comfortable environment. These same techniques that I use during my sessions can be used at home to make your baby more comfortable. And most importantly, SLEEP!

Understanding Your Baby's Cues | Newborn Parenting Tip #2

Did you know that babies communicate with their cries? I know, crazy right?! I cannot tell you the science behind it, heck I learned it from Oprah, so I don’t even know how scientific this actually is. But I am telling you, these cues DO WORK!

When I’m encountering new parents, it has been about a week since their life has changed beyond measure. With most of the mamas that come through my door, the guilt and defeat has already started to settle in. Your baby cries and you have NO clue why.

Keep Baby Cozy | Newborn Parenting Tip #3

Keeping your baby comfortable is paramount when trying to keep your baby calm and relaxed. Newborns can be fickle but can be figured out. Here are a few ways I like to use to keep babies comfortable and asleep!

Turn up the noise | Newborn Parenting Tip #4

If I had a dollar for every time parents ordered a “shusher” during their session, I’d have A LOT of dollars! :P These tips come from the idea that your baby is in their “4th Trimester” and is still adjusting to life outside the womb. A white noise machine (or shusher) is one of my favourites, it helps to simulate the noises your baby was used to hearing in the womb. White noise not only helps relax babies but it helps to soften environmental sounds that can disrupt sleep so you don’t have to tiptoe around the whole house when your baby is sleeping.

Stress Free Feedings | Newborn Parenting Tip #5

Whether you nurse, use formula or do a combination of the two, feeding a newborn can be stressful... This list is a helpful guide of common foods to avoid while nursing. These foods typically affect babies under 6 weeks. As they get older, reintroduce foods one at a time to see how they are accepted.