Jeffery | Montreal Child Photographer | Milestones Session - 15 Months

Last year was the first year that I offered Milestones Sessions. And it was so much more fun than I could have ever imagined! But something I never thought of when I decided to do these sessions was how much I would fall in love with the families!! I can't describe how amazing it is to see these babies every three months, watching them grow, watching them warm up to me.

Jeffery at every one of his sessions was a super smiley guy. But it took him a while to warm up to me at first, but the more time we spent together he got more and more smiley!

When we reached his 12 month session in July I was so happy but also so sad that I wouldn't be seeing him every three months, and although I enjoyed his sessions (especially the cake smash) it was bittersweet for me.

So you could just imagine the smile on my face when I received the email from Jeffery's mom saying she wanted to capture his second year as well!!

It was a MILE wide!

So here I was on a lovely October evening, seeing little Jeffery and his beautiful parents again for his 15 month milestones session, and we had a BLAST!

He loves to clap now, and he smiled at me right away. He is walking while holding onto things, and he discovered the fun of throwing leaves!!

And best of all, he gave me a sweet little kiss on my cheek when we were done our session.

It is for clients like these that I do this work, because they have this beautiful love for their child and an appreciation for the importance of capturing all of these beautiful moments.

Best of all, when Jeffery is all grown up, and has kids of his own, he will pass down this appreciation, because he will see these images and cherish them.

boy in a crate with fall leaves thrown around him
boy in a crate with fall leaves thrown around him
dad tossing little boy mom and dad laughing
dad tossing little boy mom and dad laughing
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
family sitting in fall leaves
family sitting in fall leaves
little boy sitting with mom
little boy sitting with mom
little boy sitting with dad
little boy sitting with dad
little boy laughing and clapping
little boy laughing and clapping
little boy sitting in alley
little boy sitting in alley
little boy walking around a crate
little boy walking around a crate
little boy sitting in alley laughing
little boy sitting in alley laughing
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
boy in a crate with fall leaves thrown around him
boy in a crate with fall leaves thrown around him
family walking in fall leaves
family walking in fall leaves
family sitting in fall leaves
family sitting in fall leaves
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy laughing
little boy laughing
little boy sitting in alley
little boy sitting in alley
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy sitting on suitcase laughing
little boy sitting on suitcase laughing
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves
little boy with blue sweater sitting in leaves

This is my 5th session with Jeffery, please enjoy!