Co-Sleeping, Sometimes You Just Have To!
Yay! Another topic that is full of polarizing opinions lolol!
This is a short one, but important nonetheless. We have co-slept with Lux a few times. When he had sleep regressions, we needed to get some sleep but he wouldn't let me put him down.
I have friends and clients who do co-sleeping all the time! Just be sure you're doing it safely (c-position, no pillows, no blankets). I know co-sleeping can be considered unsafe (which is probably why I can never sleep when I do it, my anxiety just won't let me) but just like all things parenting, you need to follow what you feel is best for you, and your baby, within reason and keeping baby as safe as possible.
Did you co-sleep your baby? Or were you like me and unable to sleep if you tried?
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